Official Artist
Conroy Chan
Actor , Producer , Rapper
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Paul Wong Let's fight Concert: We fought and Won | 黃貫中Let's fight演唱會:我們戰鬥至勝!

What can I say but congratulations to all involved in the "Let fight"

concert!! It was such a dope weekend.. so much fun and so much needed!!!

With the turnout over the weekend.. it was a major sucess!!

All the bands played they're hearts out!! Pure raw energy!!

So good to see all the groups all playing together!!

Well done Paul, Johnny, Sik and the whole crew!! Mass effort!!

All the bands hit they're straps!

Special Hell Yeah to 24 Herbs!!

Really felt the audience!!!

So awesome to have everyone on round I.. left, right, respecting Pook

Gais!!!!! Everyone!!!!

To 24 boys.. Respect!!

Album launch homies!!!.. soon!!

Now we can have an opportunity to push Alternatives F.K. (Alternative

 From Karaoke)!

If you were there.. we hope you enjoyed it.. if not, we hope we can

bring the show to you!!

So happy, I got to participate, rap, drink, eat and mosh(something I

haven't done for ages)

Keep on supporting the good music!!


| 除了恭喜參與"Let’s fight"演唱會的各位,我還能說什麽?!真是無以倫比的周末…很好玩,很滿足!!! 整個周末有那麽多觀眾參加…是大勝利!! 所有演出樂團都用心在唱!!超強的活力!! 很開心看到各樂團在一起玩!!

Paul,Johnny,Sik和所有人都太棒了!!巨大的成就!! 所有樂團的演出都震撼了現場! 尤其是24 Herbs的Hell Yeah!! 觀眾都要瘋掉了!!! 我周圍的人都情緒激昂,左邊、右邊的人,都很興奮!!!!!每個人!!!!

24男生們…崇拜!! 唱片就要出了!!!...很快!! 現在我們有機會推出可選Karaoke! 如果你在場…希望你喜歡…如果不在,可以看視頻!! 太開心了,我要跟大家一起去慶祝、rap、喝酒、吃東西和mosh(好多年沒玩了) 繼續支持好音樂!!


| 除了恭喜参与"Let’s fight"演唱会的各位,我还能说什么?!真是无以伦比的周末…很好玩,很满足!!!整个周末有那么多观众参加…是大胜利!!所有演出乐团都用心在唱!!超强的活力!!很开心看到各乐团在一起玩!!

Paul,Johnny,Sik和所有人都太棒了!!巨大的成就!! 所有乐团的演出都震撼了现场! 尤其是24 Herbs的Hell Yeah!! 观众都要疯掉了!!!我周围的人都情绪激昂,左边、右边的人,都很兴奋!!!!!每个人!!!!

24男生们…崇拜!!唱片就要出了!!!...很快!!现在我们有机会推出可选Karaoke! 如果你在场…希望你喜欢…如果不在,可以看视频!!太开心了,我要跟大家一起去庆祝、rap、喝酒、吃东西和mosh(好多年没玩了)继续支持好音乐!!


over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Conroy c0 conroy
mosh.. hmm.. monster mash??? shit I forgot???
over 17 years ago



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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
December 15, 2006