Peace Everybody!!!! I'm still here!!!! Just been super busy!! But I've been dying to get back here and chat with you guys!! What have I been doing lately? Well we finally got Hong Kong's first ever skateboard and inline aggressive team on to the olympic family!!! Congratulations to Warren Stuart(HK skateboarding's head coach) and Alan Mak (HK aggressive inline's head coach) and all the boys competing in the up and coming indoor Thailand games! Ride hard and have fun!! Talking about doing a TV series soon Working on Alive and next years plans working on marketing and merchandising for other projects working on my side project (to do with music) The other boys are just as busy as you know.. Dan's filming Terence is filming and working extra hard on the Alive project Andrew has just finished filming and working on the ALive projects Anyway please keep it up about talking movies, films and anything in particular! I put up two songs I wrote for Davy Chan's album DBF Unbreakable (are you guys able to here the music?) Also we put up Dan's clip skating which will be out in Warren Stuarts skate video. (also bitch is not a swear word: it means female dog!) "switch female dog".. hahaha!! Congrats to the girls who have busted over the 2000 mark! Check out the forums and blogs and Keep up the support! The year is coming to a close and the alive boys are working hard to bring you more fun and interesting things! Peace Conroy
世界和平!!!! 我尚在!!!! 勁忙到飛起!!!! 不過點我都要返來同你地一齊!! 我最近忙乜﹖ 我們終於會有全港第一支勁旅去參加奧林匹克的滑板比賽了!!! 恭喜Warren Stuart(HK skateboarding’s head coach)和Alan Mak(HK aggressive inline’s head coach)和所有將會到泰國參加室內比賽的男孩! 辛苦但有趣!! 正在商討一個電視劇。 正在忙Alive和計劃明年的工作。 正在為另一個項目做市場和商品計劃。 正在忙我這邊的一單(有關音樂的)。 別的男孩也各有各忙,你知道…吳彥祖忙拍戲。 尹子維忙怕戲和為Alive的所有事宜忙到好辛苦。 連凱剛拍完一部電影,他也在為Alive忙。 點都好!繼續談論電影吧!談論任何有關電影或甚麼事都行! 我這裏有兩個幫Davy Chan的DBF Unbreakable唱片寫的歌(兄弟們你聽不聽得到這首歌﹖) 還有,我們會把吳彥祖的滑板片段從Warren Stuart的滑板影帶中剪輯登上。 (還有!bitch不是粗口:是母狗的意思!) 「轉作母狗」…哈哈哈!! 恭喜已經有超過2000個女仔登記! 繼續上座談會和部落區支持我們! 新的一年已近,希望Alive眾男繼續努力工作,替大家製造更多歡樂和有趣的花臣! 和平 子聰