Official Artist
Collin Chou
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BLOG: 10月6日

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank AnD for doing such a great job on my blog.

When I was shooting "The Forbidden Kingdom" movie in Hengdian China, I met Vincent Lee. He introduced me to this great web site, AnD. When I looked at the site, I felt immediately that you guys are doing such a great job on it. Vincent and I had spent quite some time talking about making my blog in the AnD site. FInally I am here with lots of my old friends and of course many new friends too.

This is really my first time writing a blog. Even on my official web site I only occasionally update some of the news items. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that I am a very busy person. It just means that I am not very good at writing and using the internet, but I like to read. I learned how to use a computer when I came to the US at the end of 1999, but I really just started to use a computer when I bought my first laptop while shooting "The Forbidden Kingdom" movie this past June.

You are probably wondering why I finally bought a laptop after these year. The answer is because I wanted to see my wife and our boys. Yes, I have twin boys. They're 4 and a half and I wanted to communicate with them while I was in China for more than 3 months. With my laptop we could see and talk to each other almost every night.

Now that my blog on AnD is open, I have yet another challenge to face - I don't know how to type Chinese. I don't want people to think I don't know Chinese. I can read it, but just not write it or type it. The other thing is I don't go on the internet that often. If you guys need my immediate response, I have to apologize right now because this will not happen! I really appreciate all my old  and new friends giving me such a great welcome when my blog opened. I would love to give you all a message in response individually but forgive me please for just writing this one message instead.

Since this is my first blog, I tell myself no matter how busy and hard it is for me to writing something, I will try my best to make some blog entries as often as possible. Entries will be in English right now but I hope that in the near future I will be able to write in Chinese too.

Collin Chou, Oct 6,2007

over 17 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
welcome to the blogging world! you are doing great so far! its good if this can force you to develop more computer skills (and hopefully some chinese typing skills eventually!) its a good motivation! (not as good as talking to your wife and kids... but...) next you should try uploading a few pictures!
over 17 years ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
Hi Collin, Just saw FLASHPOINT. Pretty HARD!!! BTW didn't know you were from Taiwan. Even better!
over 17 years ago
Photo 23632
welcome!! we'd all love to hear more from you!! ps i have the same problem... i can type really slowly in pinyin... but have been meaning to learn real chinese typing for... the last 10 years...
over 17 years ago


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
October 4, 2007