cityof nites
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CHANGE OF VENUE - Atlnatic City Nites with Jun Kung will be at WHY CLUB

Dear ALL -  Please note that the venue for Atlantic City Nites has CHANGED.  It is now WHY CLUB in TST and Jun's performance will be at MIDNIGHT on Saturday night! Please tell your friends!

Its already time for our second to last City of Nites event!  We are taking it up a notch (or two)!!

AND our City of Nites giveaways are taking a big jump in level too!  

WE WILL GIVE AWAY ONE FREE iPad per night to the lucky Atlantic City Nites Party-goerin addition to lots of great City of Nites merchandise

( click to see the rest!)

And if that wasn't enough --   Jun Kungwill be a featured guest artist on December 4th (Saturday)!  He will perform a special music set at 12:00 pm on Saturday night (so don't be late!!!)

AND.... We will be giving away 50 pieces of our limited edition City Of Nites x Jun.K tote bag!

Jun.K = a man, an album, a bag!This bag is not available ANYWHERE else! Click here for the details and to RSVP for the FREE guestlist -


14 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Admin bear cimg7673
that's CRAZY over the top! i'm going both days. Admin Bear needs an iPad baby! ;-)
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
The venue is pretty awesome, I went on Saturday, great view!
14 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
October 30, 2009