Here's a Beijing fun fact. This mornings air quality index was 562. Hm, just a number, I wonder what that means? So I checked out the handy scale the government (US, that is) put out about the readings.Air Quality Index
(AQI) Values)
Levels of Health Concern
When the AQI is in this range:
...air quality conditions are:
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
151 to 200
201 to 300
Very Unhealthy
301 to 500
HazardousWhat happens after 500? It doesn't say. I had often wondered until I saw the numbers today. Here's the AQI twitter feed:
11-19-2010; 02:00; PM2.5; 562.0; 500; Crazy Bad // Ozone; 0.1; 0; No Reading
That's right, our Beijing's air quality is now officially crazy bad! To review:
Beijing on a blue sky day:
Beijing on a cool sky day:
Beijing on a crap sky day:
Beijing on a "Crazy Bad" sky day:
Want to follow along? Check out and find out exactly when the air will become so polluted, I'll never be able to blog again. Or maybe I'll just stay indoors. With the air filter on high. Strapped to my face.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. - Will C.