Hi @philipwang I hope you are well. I am a filmmaker from the UK. Is there a way I can reach you over e-mail or DM please?
Help me share the love friends! The @woktvshow trailer has landed https://t.co/NX8KEEtpEn
RT @LitRejections: Unpublished writers are some of the most dedicated, hardworking, unrewarded creative individuals on the planet.
Hey @joblocom anyway I can DM you please?
RT @CherryParkerRsm: It's here now. your first taste of @woktvshow with @bkhchong @yennischeung @yuyurau https://t.co/IYDUs9mqJS
@IamTootoomoo thanks for sharing the love!
RT @woktvshow: Meet the Li's! Here's the main trailer. Join us on 28/05/16. More details via https://t.co/6MiEwGLQLq https://t.co/V9mEAAp8…
RT @DianaVonR: @bexxyd @IamTootoomoo @NorthLondonHour @LondonHealthMum speaking of wok, check out this TV show https://t.co/stumh0Pril #No…
RT @Pokfulamrdprod: Here it folks our official kick a** trailer for the London tour 2016 of .@jinganyoung I'M JUST HERE TO BUY SOY SAUCE ht…
@jinganyoung @Vimeo Thanks Jingan!!
Currently working in London, UK. My portfolio can be found on www.chrischung.co.uk