@b3media Would love to have the team attend our @woktvshow gala screening :-) https://t.co/NX8KEEtpEn
@robbiereviews @VMShorts would love for you to attend the @woktvshow gala screening at the @CentralPictureH (26th May)
Hey @robbiereviews not sure if you remember 'Handuken' from the @VMShorts 2013. Just wanted to reach out with this: https://t.co/NX8KEEtpEn
@woktvshow @iTunesTV @AmazonVideo @NetflixUK @TheIndyFilm @filmindependent Thanx for the support @neptos https://t.co/NX8KEEtpEn
@iammcjin Hey Jin! have you change your email? just tried to ping something over.
RT @danielfyork: Check out the awesome trailer to "Wok" dir by @chrischunguk https://t.co/pDAqjMIoU1 And contribute to the crowdfund if you…
@WritersofColour sent, incase I hit your junk!
@LennyHenry Would love for you to attend our gala screening, sir! https://t.co/NX8KEEtpEn #diversity @woktvshow
Thanks for sharing the love Daniel! @woktvshow https://t.co/0VwTIg8aZi
@WritersofColour will do ?
Currently working in London, UK. My portfolio can be found on www.chrischung.co.uk