Official Artist
charmaine fong
Actor , Composer , Singer
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had a real good talk wit my dear friend J. yes ..u got me rite..im jus a lucky maine wit lots of luv n support~tat's wat he told :"m' learning how to stay  alone n face my only problems.self learning n find the hearts' needs is wat  to do n dunt ever mess up life wit all temptations.respect life cos its awesome"ur da man! thanks for da cool talk!  should appreciate to ppl's bullshit.taste n learn from it!  Face da sunshine,Shadows fall behind ..grow up maine~hahhaa:-) yup~life is a learning trip~ get da ticket n keep goin on!know tat im silly all da way long,friends always there for me,thanks to u guys~ luv~would never take it for granted! peace:-)preparing for tonite"jazz me up"my trip is beautiful!u guys a beautiful ~blessed+luv,lil mainesketch for today..

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 64681
look cool !!
almost 16 years ago


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December 12, 2008