Last month I did a concept design for this Hangzhou online community mascot contest, and then found out the whole thing was rigged....from voting to judge, this feels worse then doing work and not get paid, god I feel like stab someone in the neck....
上个月参加了个杭州19楼的吉祥物设计比赛, 想想参加玩玩, 赢不赢都可以认识些搞设计的, 结果发现这个鸟比赛是黑的, 不但内部刷票, 评审内定, 几个内定的不但设计都是抄袭的, 还一天到晚暗地里在那小号大号的唱双簧, GGYY的....那种感觉就好像是手被绑住,然后一群婴儿用牙签插你. 完了还搞个什么颁奖典礼, 为了防止我去现场捅人, 就派了助手去领了2瓶维他命(入围奖)回来 因为有可能掺毒已经冲掉了.
This is Money welcome to my world of silliness~ 胡搞是一种态度啦,耍白痴更是一种精神~