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Crazy For You by Clement

Crazy For You by Clement

Singer Clement release the lyrics video for his track “Crazy For You”. The upbeat love song marks the debut for this up and coming artist. All it took was a simple messing around with his father’s old guitar for Clement to begin his journey as an aspiring musician. He was 15 at that time when he first fell in love with the instrument. Now 20, Clement is more sure than ever of his passion for music. The singer-songwriter who began by posting YouTube videos of himself covering various songs from John Mayer to Usher, progressed to writing his own lyrics and tunes such as his original song, Hold On.

“I write my songs based on what I feel at the moment in time. I write whenever a tune just comes into my head.” Says Clement.

Before enlisting for National Service in Singapore, Clement had one year of education in the Shanghai American School and five years in the Singapore American School till he was 18 – Accounting for a unique and diversified perspective on life, which shines through in his original works.

The down-to-earth young man has more than 47,000 views on his YouTube Channel and counts making his own videos one of his hobbies among playing soccer and basketball. Singer that influence him include Chris Brown and Justin Timberlake. However, his biggest musical influence is John Mayer. Clement exudes shades of Mayer such as his soulful voice and mad guitar skills. “The way he expresses himself through his voice and especially his guitar is just incredible. It’s music with a message that inspires me to do the same.”

With the experiences amassed through performing at school gigs, church worships, and performing with YouTube celebrities like JR Aquino, Clement is ready for a bigger stage where he can share his love for music with a bigger audience.

“To me, fame is not what I seek after. It’s the ability to spread and share music with others. It’s what I’m passionate about.”

Crazy For You by Clement

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December 20, 2008