昨晚好友很神秘地, 說要帶我們去個"不為人所知的好地方"看夜景.
上了車直奔二環三環, 離我們熟悉的區域越來越遠, 然後突然不知不覺地, 鳥巢與水立方就在我們的面前炫麗地閃耀著.
原來我們要去的地方就是位於鳥巢和水立方一側鼎鼎大名的"盤古七星酒店". (這名字取的好, 居然還自己附帶個"七星"呢~!)
Last night we were told by our friend in Beijing that we were going to a fantastic night spot that "no one knows about". The suspense was unbearable~ I mean, a place in Beijing that "no one knows about"? Perhaps it means "only less than two million people know about it"...
We hit straight to the highway, taking us further away from our familiar surroundings. Before we realised where we were, the magnificent Bird Nest and Water Cube were standing shining before us.
So it was revealed then our mystery destination was the Pangu Seven Star Hotel. (You might have seen it from all the Olympic coverage)
這就是盤古七星, 從頂樓Lounge照過來的.
This is the Pangu Seven Star Hotel, taken from the Lounge at top floor.
這是位於頂樓的"樂滿堂" (HAPPINESS LOUNGE)
This is the place we went to - Happiness Lounge.
Isn't this view breathtaking?!
Water Cube's fashion parade~
Me and my mum's kodak moment~!
戀愛是氧氣, 是最奢侈的保養品, 無法用錢買到的灌溉也最珍稀. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.