Celine H
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澳式足球瘋 Crazy for AFL!


說起來很有趣, AFL對於美國人來說就是American Football League美式足球. 就是那種全身上下武裝具全的行頭, 一群人人高馬大互相一而再再而三的衝撞, 這樣一個魯莽的比賽. 而我這裡所說的AFL, 其實是同樣一群人激烈粗魯的衝撞, 卻完全沒有任何人身的保護, 這樣一個幾近瘋狂的運動 - Australian Football League 澳式足球.


When you read the word "AFL" , you most probably would think of American Football League, that's if you are American. American Football, with the limited knowledge I have, is a type of sport that players wear protective padding and run ruthlessly towards each other. The "AFL" I mean here, is along the same lines with ruthless running and tackling, minus the padding. It's so crazy it's insanely fun. It's Australian Football League.


墨爾本是AFL的起源地, 元祖為Melbourne Footbal Club 墨爾本足球俱樂部 -  也是世界上最古老的足球俱樂部之一. 這個澳洲土生土長的運動'當初其實是為了讓板球球員在冬季休賽的時候不至於荒廢健身而創造的, 沒想到現今居然成為澳洲最受歡迎的球賽, 遠遠超過板球! 


Melbourne is the Mecca of AFL. The game's originator, the Melbourne Football Club, was one of the oldest football clubs in the world. It's hard to believe that AFL was invented to keep the cricketers fit during the winter. Little did they know that AFL is now far more popular than the cricket itself in Australia!


這次跟朋友一群人由各地八方齊聚在墨爾本, 就為了親自感受AFL現場滋味. 我們由悉尼飛去, 有的從坎培拉, 有的是剛由中國移民過來的, 還有個第一次到澳洲旅遊的美國好友.


We gathered together a group just to experience the excitement live. Interesting group we had:  A good friend flew in from Canberra. A friend that had recently migrated to Australia from Beijing, An American friend visiting Australia for the first time. Two friends from Melbourne. And of course us, who flew in from Sydney.


怎麼說呢? 要嚐嚐澳洲本地人的瘋狂, 就是要親身體驗一下AFL才叫地道!


So what's the verdict? If you want the real taste of authentic "Strayan kulcha", you gotta get yourself a ticket for AFL in Melbourne!



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戀愛是氧氣, 是最奢侈的保養品, 無法用錢買到的灌溉也最珍稀. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, hokkien
July 18, 2007