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Catherine Ryan Hyde
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For Writers

You know, I almost called this blog “For Struggling Writers.” Then it hit me. Is there any other kind?

Anne Allen posted a great blog today about critique groups. If you’re a writer, and are not familiar with Anne Allen’s blog for writers, today is a good day to jump on board. Here’s a link:


Learning to understand and make use of criticism is a crucial subject for writers at every stage of the game. It’s hardest on newer writers, those who haven’t quite gotten their feet planted yet. But, believe me, if you write, you face critique.

Years ago I wrote a small piece for The Writer magazine to help writers make sense of the inevitable barrage of criticism. I hadn’t thought about it for a long time, but now I’ve found it, and I’m reprinting it below as a “comment” on my own blog.

And I want to include one more link. Years ago I wrote an email to a good friend, wanting to help her chart her way through similar waters. It ended up on a web site for the National Gallery of Writing, and I’m including a link to that as well:


So, three articles on the subject of what to keep and what to throw away when faced with criticism. I thought it might be useful to have them all together in one place. Taken as a whole, I hope they’ll form a sort of detailed pep talk to help someone up from the “Critique Group/Nasty Reviewer Rejection Syndrome.”

Hey. We’ve all been there.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


I am the author of 16 novels including Pay It Forward (on which the Warner Brothers movie was based), Love in the Present Tense, Becoming Chloe, The Year of my

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