思齊 陳
演员, 模特儿
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台灣的生活, Life in Taipei

我到了台灣已一段時間, 由初期的不習慣到現在, 終於感到輕鬆點....好像回到學生時代,除了上學做功課外, 都沒別的事忙..

閒時四出走走..吃點東西,雖然沒什麼特別, 但感覺充實多了...

台灣人很熱情, 所以我認識了很多新朋友; 而且空氣比香港清新很多,所以在這裡, 我的氣喘因此而不藥而癒 .

除了現在修讀的課程, 我還參加跳舞課程, 不過也只是去運動一下,大家別期望我回來會變舞林高手...哈哈

這裡經常下微雨, 所以幸運地讓我看到雙彩虹...............真的太美!!!

我又去了台大走走感受下書卷味...實在不錯,見到很多同學踏單車回學校, 感覺好像電影的情節一樣....有種莫名其妙的羨慕呢!



P.S. 拍了數張參觀台大的相片, 讓大家感受一下當中的書卷氣吧!

I stayed in Taipei almost a month, I felt so anxious from the begining and now become more relax , just like I am back to teenage,  without doing anything, just lesson and doing homework, really enjoy it. 

The air in Taipei much fresh than Hong Kong, and my asthma feel much much better now.

I join the dancing lesson also, but just for excerise, please don't expect I will become a professional dancer. hahaha.

Luckily because of the little dirzzle here, I can see 2 rainbow in the same time, it's so beautiful and wonderful moment!!

anyway, how are you guys? I will back to work once I finish my school and rest life here. and please remember to support as always!

By the way, there have a new "long Drama series", which broadcast in TVB now, I have few scene there, hope you won't miss it. hehe

P.S. those picture is Taiwan Universcity. hope you guys can feel how enjoy I am now!


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台湾,等着我,总有一天我会去找你玩! 哈哈~ 陳思齊,祝你有个愉快学习。 Jeytong
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! thanks for sharing!
16 年多 ago


歡迎來到我的個人網誌! Welcome to my blog!


cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
February 19, 2008