想不到只是加入這個家庭短短數天, 便看到有這麼多人留言給我, 實在是一大鼓勵, 我答應大家我會儘量抽時間寫blog的。
由於我是電腦白痴,大家可能不相信吧, 但我不知何解,每次我要開電腦的時候, 電腦便Hang 機或者壞掉, 家人和朋友都不許我用電腦, 又或者要在她們的"監管"下才可用電腦, haaaaa, 有沒有人可以答我是什麼原因呢? 有人話可能我個人的磁場太厲害,所以影響到電腦, 不知是否這個原因呢?
因為在經理人介紹及朋友的耳濡目染之下, 我決定在這裡開第一個Blog, 現在仍然有些不知所措, 不知道應該寫什麼才好!? 你們有什麼題材或題議呢?
再且, 我知道這裡有很多外國的朋友, 可惜我的英文能力不是太好, 目前只能夠以中文或者簡單的英文寫blog, 希望各位見諒!
最後要多謝各位的支持呀! 我會努力ga! 希望可以見到你們的留言啦!
Can't imagine there's so many of you leave me message here. Thanks for all your support! I will try my vest best to update my blog!
I'm not using computer quite often before. this is because when I switch on the computer, it will hang,then my family and my friend won't let me use the computer unless they stay beside me. did anyone know what happen?
This is my first blog, and now I still didn't know what can I wrote, can you guys tell me what topic you want to know?
besides, I knew there have many of you can't read Chinese, but please forgive my English is not really good, so I just can wrote in Chinese or limited English, (I will ask my friend and my manager to help me!)
Anyway, thanks for all your support! Hope can see your comment!
歡迎來到我的個人網誌! Welcome to my blog!