Went to Johnny's first ever big Thai Boxing competition last week and it was my first time ever seeing thai boxing live. It's really brutal.
He was the first one to go on to the stage that day and there were 3 rounds of 2 mins.
They can use their knee, elbow, and almost anything you can imagine.... very brutal - even more than normal boxing... They were kinda level in the 1st round and in 2nd round, Johnny started to hit better and eventually he won !...Read more
Watched a movie called 9 tonight and it's animation.
A very good one and think you guys should go and watch it.
我們的村上﹕﨟明珠 我譯我看《1Q84》
1/11/2009 﨟明珠
他說,在寫作時他經常銘記心中的是:「在堅硬的高牆和撞牆的雞蛋之間,我會經常站在雞蛋這邊,不管牆有多對,雞蛋有多錯,我還是會站在雞蛋這邊」。這「雞蛋和高牆」的比喻,透過電視和網路迅速傳遍...Read more
已經開始了看村上春樹的新長篇小說"1Q84", 買之前並沒有去了解這新書是寫什麼的, 反正個人來講一直都很喜歡作者的小說. 所以當那天在誠品看到就想也不想就買了下來.
What will you do if 2012 is really the end ?
懷念大閻生... 再一次欣賞他最後演出. 他們要大概2分鐘之後才出現.
從《同事三分親》開始注意到陳鴻烈, 一直看他的演出, 差不多每一個晚上有空都會追看.
It was a cold night and we managed to finish our shooting very quickly with the assist by Stanley Chan (Lighting) and Dani C (Styling).
Morett's new album will be released really soon in China, HK, and Macau. Stay tuned.
More pictures from below.
Went to Guang Zhou in China last week with DJ Morett's and took some pics for him.
He's making waves there and the crowd liked his music so much.
Here are some of the pics.
昨晚拿了這部不新的電影DVD出來,再看了一遍, 還是覺得蠻有意思的。