Official Artist
Carl Tsang
Art Director , Photographer
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Rumors is spreading these days that Leborn will go to Chicago to play with Rose.

Some analysts said that that is not a championship team, at least not going to win one even Leborn is joining the Bulls.

However, what if Wade is going to the windy city together with Leborn ???

With Rose at PG, Wade at SG, and Leborn at SF, probably one of the best ever backcourt you can ever have since the Jordan-Pippen Bulls.

I am looking forward to what's going to happen in the off season besides the World Cup this June.

On the side, since Suns have gone fishing, I hope Boston will beat LA.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 50733
yeah, that would work too - heard that there will be an star player meeting in discussing where they will go... and how they group together.... not sure if that's real tho.
almost 15 years ago


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