Ok, so I have been gone for a while but now I’m back in the lab. This is a detail from one out of eight finished pieces I’ve been working on. I have developed the ink/stamp technic since my previous solo exhibition and I am quite happy with the result. This time I am using coloured ink, corrosion and of course betel spit. And with so many things happening now, everything from Technical Knocked-Out by a drunk security guard to rabies attack by a dog via the daily changes in general (don’t be fooled it is mostly on paper) I can’t say I am lacking with inspiration. But as my brother ILL says, it is better to lay low.
Lay Low (Detail), 2012, Ink on paper
Lay Low (in progress)
Studio Duelling Banjos
Studio Duelling Banjos
By the way, 3 Years for WHAT??
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