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Illustration for BRAND magazine

Illustration Brand_På spaning efter den stad som flytt copy

Today I got the printed version of the Brand magazine where one of my illustrations was published. My illustration was made with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (SC5). Since the article mentioned SimCity I decided to use a street view screenshot from the game as background. For the foreground I used a photo of my friends from one of our days we´re out walking in the woods. Since the article itself talks about new urbanism and city planning I wanted to capture a sense of people exploring their city that is developing and expanding (and excluding) beyond the control of its own population. Working with a quite short notice I am very satisfied with the result. If you are interested in using me for illustrations and graphic design work do not hesitate to contact me at cap@capism.se

The illustration was published in Tidningen Brand, No 2, 2013, p.7 and 31.

Brand is a Swedish anarchist magazine and have been published continuously since 1898. To read, learn more and subscribe visit their website http://tidningenbrand.se/

Brand inside

Brand Magazine, No 2, 2013 p.31

Brand front

Brand cover page (No 2. 2013)



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