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Cash up fellas we are about to take off

Rainy Night Dreams (cover art), 2011 Just want to send my best wishes to my good friends in Side Effect, they are about to take over the world starting with Bali,Indonesia this weekend for their first gig abroad. I am very happy that I got the chance to get knowing them, they are amazing people, they even let me design the cover for their upcoming album. I am very satisfied with the design, lets see what the Myanmar censurboard thinks. I don’t expect very much from them to be honest, what do they know about anything.  But until then we need your help, these guys have been working hard on their album and we are getting closer and closer to the release, all that is missing is CASH. Most things so far have been done with very little money or for free by several committed and beautiful people in a true DIY spirit. But in order to advertise and distribute the album in Myanmar (and abroad) we need a foundation from where we can launch and lift off into the sky. Therefore, we would like you to donate via the link below to realize their dreams. It is probably not a big deal for you, regardless of how much you put up, but for these guys it means everything. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me, or why not contact them directly, they are always up for a chat.

For donations this is the link:


For more info about Side Effect follow me:




Note for self, this is the link to my album design BEFORE being scrutinized by the censurboard #WENEEDADRUMSETGOTDAMMIT

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Your investment is my playground....visit me at www.capism.se


October 1, 2009