Official Artist
Bey Logan
Producer , Screenwriter , Sports
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Snowblade - Rehearsing the final duel

Bey VS Keiji becomes Calvin VS Sable...

Sewing the scene together.

As well as playing a great bandit for us in 'Snowblade', Japanese actor Keiji Sato also helped me choreograph the film's finale, in which our sword-wielding heroine clashes with a vengeful10-year-old with the same skills as her. Snowblade is played by Sable Yu; her opponent, Callow, by my son Calvin.

We went out onto the Ace studio back forty to set up a battle that's both safe and spectacular...

The t-shirt is in Keiji's honour; the sword is part of our studio armoury.

Keiji is a master of the Japanese sword, here and below he tries a different blade.

Looking at production design Carey Rothman's awesome set designs. (His future's so bright, he has to wear shades...)

Working the circle.

Iris Chung standing in for Sable.

Trading blades with Keiji.

Chopping and changing: AD Nick Dearman looks unimpressed.

Clash of steel!

over 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Oh!? Keiji-san!! Is he in HK??
over 13 years ago


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