Bey Logan
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Snowblade - Party night!


Celebrating the first third!

With about a third of the film in the can, we tempted fate by holding a small celebration when cast and crew came back to Hong Kong. Some are wrapped (Kong Sifu and Calvin Logan), some have yet to shoot (Mak Chi-kong Sifu, Stephanie Aileen, Yuki Yoshimura), some are resting before their return to the fray (Sable Yu, Ben Poon) and for some of us (like me) its business as usual! 

We gathered at the Hong Kong Club on Connaught to allow our all-important backers to see a new promo and meet team Snowblade.

Of course, being B&E, its a family event. My official sons Ryan, Calvin and Kyle were here, as well as my unofficial one, Nick Dearman. Celebrity photographer Cynthia Cortes (of Karin+Raoul fame) did an exclusive shoot with Sable at the studio, and she was on hand with her son Chris.

I welcomed the guests and showed our new teaser trailer.

Of course, no-one normal would invest in and co-produce a film like 'Snowblade', and Jake Fisch proved it by hitting a full split to impress the ladies (and some of the guys, too!)

Our revels ended, it was home for the kids, and off to Joyce Is Not Here for the rest of the band.


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english, cantonese, french
Hong Kong
April 8, 2008