Bey Logan
製片人, 编剧, 体育
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Shadowguard hits theatres!


B&E 2011 : On and upward!

With our wonderful family and fun filled holidays over, I return to our production grindstone with renewed energy.

As you may have seen, our first foray into 3D animation, working with the fantabulous Charlie Wong and Tony Tang at T-Films, was in Hong Kong cinemas just before Christmas (which fits, as its an Xmas tale about a little reindeer's quest for Santa!). It'll be out on DVD soon. Those of you with young kids or looking for a great film to get stoned to, here it is! (For the latter, it worked better in 3D, but still...)

More importantly, 'Blood Bond : Shadowguard' hits theatres January 27th for a limited run. Check press for details! Its definitely going to be in the Golden Harvest Hollywood and UA Megabox. This was the first 'official' AnD supported feature (check the credits for an on-screen name check). Its since been sold around the world, we're working on the sequel (see below) and its great to have it (briefly) on the big-screen in our home town.

Now, there are some films that enlighten, dazzle and enrich you, there are some that change your mind and heart, there are some that glitter in your memory forever... 'Shadowguard' is not one of those movies. However, if you're looking for a great beer'n'pizza flick (sneak these items of food and beverage into the theatre, tell them I said its okay, Simon Yin, this means you...)  this is your movie! Kick ass battling babe action, Michael Biehn grizzled and growling and (of course!) the great Andrew Ng. It gets no better... (Great beer and pizza flick, trust me on this, and you can also get stoned to this one...)

I'll be writing further blogs with updates on 'Beach Spike!', the sequel to 'Shadowguard', 'Red Dawn Rising', and about my upcoming directorial debut, 'Snowblade' so stay tuned!


大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
Img 9226
Oh yeah!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 517444
Beer and Pizza flick! Can't wait to see Andrew and Phoe in action! Nice one Bey!!
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
'the Terminator of all evils!'
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
'Danger is ALIENS to him!' 'Like getting blood from the ROCK.' 'if you get in his way, you will feel ABYSSmal...' I could go all day! Save those for the sequel!
大约 14 年 ago
Sarahlian 2
good stuff!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 402234
Congratulations Bey!! Looking so much forward to see it! All the best!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 178080
Congratulations Bey! Can't wait to get a copy of your production debut. Will it be on the big screen as well in mainland? Would love to see it over here. Greetings from Shanghai, Matias
大约 14 年 ago
Img 9226
Great article in SCMP today!
大约 14 年 ago



english, cantonese, french
Hong Kong
April 8, 2008