Official Artist
Bey Logan
Producer , Screenwriter , Sports
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Reaching the 'Borderland'

Production preps on east-west actioner

B&E Productions is teamed with the Paris-based Aeternalis Films on the thriller 'Borderland', directed by Mathieu 'Trashmaster' Weschler. 

It stars 5 time world karate champion Seydina Balde ('Danny The Dog') as a special operative on a mission that takes him to a hidden North Korean military bunker. Also in the cast is Richard Sammel of 'Inglorious Bastards' fame.

The film will shoot for four weeks at studios in Nanhai, and then a further week in Hong Kong, and preparations have been underway at the new B&E offices in Cheung Sha Wan.

Naturally, the cast includes some familiar faces from AnD, including Kirt Kishita, Jason Tobin and Muriel Hoffman.


almost 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
good luck!
almost 13 years ago


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