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Kung fu fighting in Central: change of venue


For everyone who wants to get their 'fu' on, the redoubtable Mak Sifu is teaching the Hung Kuen style every week at Central pier (opposite IFC). Hung Kuen (also known as Hung Gar) is the syle of southern Chinese martial art made famous by the legendary Wong Fei-hung. Its focusses on developing deep stances, powerful hand strikes and effective kicking techniques. Classes include basic drills, empty hand forms and weapons. We already have a great group of die hards, but always welcome new students.

We train under cover at Pier 7. Its a fun workout and also very useful training for local actors. The sessions are usually Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 midday. There's a Sunday session at 6pm in Kowloon Park. 

Mak Sifu can be reached on 91833379, or by email at lck486001@yahoo.com.hk.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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