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JKD IN HK : Training with Salem Assli


From Paris with glove...

Those of you with some knowledge of the martial arts world will know the name 'Dan Inosanto'. A former student of Bruce Lee, Dan has kept the flame for his teacher these many years, and is himself a living encyclopedia of the world's fighting styles. I first met Dan when he came to give martial arts seminars in the UK in the 80s. I trained under him, albeit briefly, and interviewed him for the various magazines I was writing for at that time.

Though I haven't been in contact with Dan for many years, when I heard that his student Salem Assli was coming to give a seminar in Hong Kong, I was delighted to welcome him as a guest at the chez Logan. We became fast friends, and my eldest son Ryan and I had a great time training with Salem. Like his teacher, this charming Frenchman has vast knowledge of the martial arts. The select few that attended this course benefited greatly from this, and I hope we have even more trainees when Salem returns later this year.

After the seminar, Salem joined the weekly 'open house' Saturday night dinner. The boys peppered him with questions about Bruce Lee and France!

I was impressed with Salem's knowledge of films. He introduced me to the French comedy Le Diner de Cons, just remade as Dinner for Schmucks, starring my old Gen-Y Cops cohort Paul Rudd. He also has some great ideas for martial arts movie fights, and I want to bring him on-board our upcoming B&E movie Lady Transporter (working title).





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english, cantonese, french
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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 8, 2008