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9 -10 - 09 : The Blood Bond Saga (part four)


The Biehn Machine.

I first met actor Michael Biehn when I helped cast him in a film called 'Dragon Squad'. The director, Daniel Lee, was a huge fan of his work in 'The Rock', and was delighted when Michael agreed to play our antagonist.

As can happen between director and producer, the relationship between Daniel and I became stressed as the film progressed. By the end of shooting, the atmosphere on the set was very tense, and I was counting my blessings that I had Michael, as well as my then-partner and friend Maggie Q, on hand to keep me sane.

Regardless, I have to thank Daniel, because, without the 'Dragon Squad' experience, I wouldn't have Michael directing and starring in 'Blood Bond' for us.

The track record of actors turning director is patchy, but Michael has risen to the challenge. Many of the helmers he's worked with other the last few years have told he should direct, and I can see why. He has an opinion on  everything!

My job as producer is to strike a balance between what he wants and what we can afford. Its exhausting keeping pace with him each day (despite the fact that, ha!, I'm so much younger than him).

Here was a recent day :

Meeting with all department heads: DP, costume, hair and make up, transport etc.

Continue choreographing the rain forest fight on the back lot here at Ace Studios.

Try on costume for his character, Mike Tremayne. Seeing as the action of the film takes place over a day or so, he doesn't have a costume change so we need multiples of this one. The important thing is that it looks like he's been living rough for several years!

Checking that the costume fits on our leading lady, Phoenix Chou. Her character in the film is a ceremonial protector of a spiritual leader, and, of course, a kick ass kung fu queen. The outfit has to be something in which she can move and look good. Can we give some cleavage, he wants to know? That's why they invented CGI!, she quipped.

This afternoon, our 'bad girl' arrived, famed mainland Chinese model and Karl Lagerfeld muse Emma Pei. She and her managers arrived at dinner time, so our first meeting took place in the Ace Studios canteen. Diners were treated to the appetising sight of Michael teaching Emma how to dispatch a victim with her knife.

Defying the supermodel stereotype, Emma turns out to be cheerful, funny and totally ready for work. After breaking the ice with an impromptu execution, our director went in to some detail with her regarding her character's background, and her various acting and action scenes.

She read us some of her dialogue, and we were all impressed at the time she'd put in to practicing her lines. As I've learned to my cost, acting in your second language is hard work.

After Emma and her companions returned to their hotel, Michael and I hunkered down over the script to rework the ending action scene.

I couldn't ask for a committed helmer than Michael, and I think he may even give 'actor-turned-director' a good name!

Next : Training The Phoenix


15 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
always good to practice slitting throats in your free time.
15 年多 ago
Photo 74817
He\'s a good actor... I like this guy!
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese, french
Hong Kong
April 8, 2008