Bey Logan
製片人, 编剧, 体育
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6 - 10 - 09: 'The Blood Bond' Saga (Part One)


To begin at the beginning...

I've just begun pre-production on the new film, The Blood Bond. This is actually a project that I conceived at least 10 years ago, and have been working on over the last year and a half.

Given my unique position as a Western person living in Hong Kong who has worked on films for both Chinese and American film companies, I have long wanted to make a film that combined elements of East and West.

I suppose it could be argued that I did so on previous ventures I was involved in, such as 'The Medallion' and 'Shanghai', but, with this film, I finally get a train set of my own to play with!

I am proud and happy to be collaborating with my good friends at Alive Not Dead to bring you exclusive stories, images and footage from the set of this exciting new venture. AnD will be with us every step of the way, and I'm happy to have a few fellow AnDers involved with the project itself!

So where did the story begin? Year ago, my friend Richard Norton made a film called 'Under the Gun' which was shot on location in Melbourne, Australia. It co-starred American kickboxer Kathy Long, and also my dear step father, Tino Ceberano.

After he'd completed that project, Richard suggested we collaborate on a second film. I had the idea to make a film about a drunk, dispirited former Australian Special Forces officer who is living by himself in the outback. Out of the blue, the kung fu fighting female bodyguard of a revered religious leader comes to find him. It turns out that the ex-soldier has the same blood type as the girl's dying guru, and she needs him to come with her to provide a transfusion.

The film followed them across the Australian desert through various adventures. Sadly, we could envr get the financing together, and so Richard went on to other things, and I put the concept on the shelf.

Flash forward a decade or so and my old friend Josie Ho, an actress I've had the pleasure of working with several times, announced that she would start producing films with her husband Conroy Chan. We met and discussed possible projects on which we could collaborate.

I suggested that she make a film that would pair her with an American lead, and show off her martial arts prowess. She and Conroy seemed to like the idea, and so I took the Blood Bond story off the shelf and begun working on a new version of the script. I received a lot of help from my then protege Nick Eriksson, who worked on the updated draft.

In the end, Josie and Conroy decided the film was not for them. Though of course I was disappointed not to work with two such dear friends, I have to thank them for providing the impetus for me to develop the film that I'm making now.

In terms of cast, I really only had one person in mind to play the (now) American Special Forces guy in the new version. This was Michael Biehn, a performer who has been in at least five of the greatest action films ever made (The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, The Rock and Tombstone).

I had previously worked with Michael on a Hong Kong actioner called 'Dragon Squad', aka 'Dragon Heat'. Though that film was a very challenging experience, I developed a great rapport with Michael, as did my then partner in crime, Maggie Q. They had so much fun on the set, we started discussing a film that we might do together. This was before  began discussions with Josie, but I was already considering a reworked 'Blood Bond' with Michael and an Asian female lead.

Nothing came of it at the time, Michael returned to Hollywood and Maggie, of course, went on to greater things! After Josie pulled out, I was determined to keep Michael as the leading man in Blood Bond, and find a new star to cast opposite him.

After we found a suitable candidate for the female role, Michael began reworking the script, and I soon realised that he was as passionate about this project as I was. I was delighted when he agreed to make this film his directorial debut, and it seemed we were putting a good team together.

Unfortunately, the second actress to the lead role of Deva also bowed out after a long period of development. I began to wonder if this was to be our fate: to keep searching in vain for the right leading lady, with a mix of innocence, wry humour and butt-kicking martial arts skills!

As it turned out, we found the right actress at the right time, and began pre-pre-production with renewed vigour.

(Next blog: The Phoenix rises.)

P.S. We are still looking for character types (big, burly, long-haired Asian rebel fighter and biker guys of all nationalities!) Please contact Christine Ip at ip.christine@gmail.com

15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 36943
This does show the power of perseverance... And that patience is a virtue. :) Can't wait to hear more! :)
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese, french
Hong Kong
April 8, 2008