Heya peoples.
Now I've got a great sense of humor. I even enjoy digging up the videos to show you guys. Now the source video, which I will not reveal is super gross - I only watch to the first cut and turned it off. But this reaction video is brilliant. Now if you've ever watched Fear Factor you'll know Joe Rogan, the shows host. He's a bad mofo. I've seen a video of him doing a sleeper hold on a Radio DJ during a live to show to demonstrate 'the sleeper'. Very cool, respect the Rogan. He's made people do some gross stuff for money and ultimately the props for being on Fear Factor. He's got guts of steel.
But this, this is amazing. In this video - which is quite self explanatory shows the side of him that's rarely seen. You'll see him grossed out. Not a lame one, but really grossed out. I've got to say it funny as hell. So after watching his reaction (and if you watch this reaction stop about half way, about when he says, 'Where are those girls?', then find the original) I had to find it. Google'd the name of the video Rogan watched and got a page of reactions. Okay, its got to be revolting.
And then it happened. I watched up to the first fade in and pussy'ed out. That's just too much. I wish I could just have finished watching Rogan's reaction and found out what happened. You can tell he was hurting from the way his eyes got a little teary. Just remember the barf bag if you watch the original. Its just.....too much.
Now I've got to give you something else to ease you out. but I don't have anything. The Rogan reaction is probably the funniest thing I've seen today, then I watched the original video only to feel super dirty.
Watch some else after, then comment, then talk about how I screwed up your day. Sorry everyone, I promise something better and less revolting. I guess, have a nice day?
PS Actually this is after the fact, if you've watched or heard of 'Man Vs Wild' the interview with the host is on collegehumor.com.