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the wisdom of danny glover

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[endif]When I look back at 2009 some day, I’ll remember many things for this has been an ultra eventful year. I think I hit new peaks and new lows in career, friendship (speaking strictly the HK ones here) and love this year.

But whatever, I think the thing I’ll remember most is 2009 is the first year I felt the effects of aging. Meaning for the first time in my life...I feel old.

Back in March, I voluntarily passed on a few league basketball games because I was too tired from work and wanted some alone time at home. This is something totally unfathomable even as recently as 2007. Voluntarily sit out basketball games because “I wanted to rest”? If the 2004 version of me heard that shit, he’d take the Delorean up to 88, find me in 2009 and kick my ass for being weaksauce. I’m actually in much better physical shape now than I was in 2004—when I was like, you know a FAT AMERICAN (ha)—but he’d still whup my ass easy because the 2004 me actually played sports and he actually ate like burgers and gravy instead of salad and sashimi.

Anyway, basketball story aside. Recently I’ve started feeling two sensations I’ve never ever felt before in my life—back and knee pains. Seriously, up until this year I didn’t know knees and backs had feelings. I mean I’ve felt pain before in the knees when I bumped knees with someone and I felt back pains in 7th grade when my friend put me in the sharpshooter. But those are immediate pains caused by immediate harm. I’ve never felt this soreness and chronic uncomfortable-ness out of the blue when I’m sitting at home.

Now that I work a pressure-filled job that requires a two hour commute everyday, I’ve found myself with little free time. Back then I could squeeze in multiple recreational activities during the day. Now I can really only choose one thing to do each night after work. It’s either a nice sit down dinner or a band jam or a movie or a gig, the days of doing several of those things in one night are gone. So what do I choose most nights now? I choose to go home and rest. I’m not even talking about going home and playing video games (even though I have Batman Gotham Asylum and NBA 2k10 sitting at home), I get home now and I just kinda sit on the couch and stare into space cause I’m so beat.

I say this all the time because it’s such a great line. But this time I really mean it... so to quote the great Danny Glover:

I’m too old for this shit

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I hear you! It is a bitch when this happens, but it makes you that much more discerning about how you spend your precious time away from work. I guess the name of the game is priorities. About the knee and back pain--look at the shoes you wear and the bed you sleep on, they can contribute to this and are easily changed. Also, you may need to incorporate some stretching regime into your busy week. If you don't have time for yoga or some martial arts practice, then 10 or 15 minutes of stretches every day may help. Poor alignment coupled with too little physical activity can cause pain like this.
over 15 years ago


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