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the truth hurts

paul pierce has long been one of my favorite players (i've always felt he was like, 85-90% as good as kobe/bron/wade/iverson at certain times but has always gotten 50-65% of their hype)

Laker fans hated that I loved him so much (dates back to 2000), only thing is PP is from Inglewod born and raised, on the playground was where he spent most of his days. He's more LA than anyone on the Laker teams as well as the fake fans sitting courtside.

And his nickname is the best nickname of this generation. You see, in the older generation, NBA players had amazing nicknames: Human Highlight Film, The Iceman, The Microwave, The Reign Man, Round Mound Of Rebound, these nicknames were creative and made sense.

But over the past decade, we started getting stupid lazy nicknames where it's not even a nickname; it's just a shortened version of someone's name. Think Tmac, CWebb, AI, Kmart, Melo, etc.

Paul Pierce, though, has an old school throwback nickname.

The Truth.

Such a good nickname for trash talking. If someone can't guard him, you can say "so and so couldn't handle the truth". On this dunk, you can say "the truth hurts".

The possibilities are endless.

To quote Jack Nicholson, you can't handle the truth

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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