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the dark side

a few days ago a colleague forwarded me this email that a former HK cop and all around standup citizen sent to the organizers of Mr Gay HK. The email was filled with words such as "faggot" and "trash", etc. i wasn't so much disgusted by his hatred toward gays but by his religious zealot-ness.

anyway i was gonna blog about it on here. to call out that idiot homophobic ex-cop, i even wrote most of it on a draft but decided to wait a few days because it was another one of those tell-it-like-it-is blunt entries.

but then i check the dark side today and saw that he beat me to it!


the dark side is a blog worth checking if you live in HK. my friends have loved this site for months now but i didn't like it before--i thought they were too petty, too gweilo, and anonymous online trash talking is generally something i dismiss as weaksauce.

but lately the dark side has been a really insightful and informative read. they're actually breaking news and scoops, such as that video of that fish that was cooked alive, etc.

they're also VERY in touch with local culture for a bunch of gweilo bloggers, which is impressive considering 90% of our "Hong Kong English publications" are written by strictly-English-speaking-yuppies-who-only-stay-in-the-Central-LKF-Wanchai bubble (seriously, traveling out to like, North Point is crazy for them. I think they go to Kowloon like twice a year)

the point is--they're a very good read now. only recently though. a month ago they were still posting dumb crap about LKF or some random drunk dude. who cares? now they writing about real HK issues and calling cats out.


here was my original draft that I was gonna put up three days ago:

so today, through several fowards from a friend to a friend, i came across this email that was sent by an overly religious HK resident to the organizers and contestants of the Mr Gay HK pageant.

the HK resident...let's call him Mr H, is an old timer expat who served in the army in his native England before moving to HK thirty years ago to become a cop. i know this because i googled him--he had proudly left his full name and background info in the email. there are pictures of Mr H, proudly posing with cops and army sargeants and organizing HK walking tours in the 80s.

the email was full of hate. terms such as "faggot", "filthy", "shit", and "turd" were directed at the folks at the Mr Gay HK pageant. he called the gays an "Abomination in the eyes of the Lord". he quoted from the bible and mentioned God a few times. he said gays had no right to be on earth with the rest of us normal, respected human beings. he was generally acting like Mrs Camody in Stephen King's The Mist.

anyway, reading that email i was amazed that some people really are that effected by homosexuality. it also made me think about Christianity. because although Mr H sounded insane in the email, what he was spewing is indeed in the bible...only i know many devoted Christians who do not seem to have this attitude toward gays. so i wonder about the reasoning behind that--do they consider that part of the bible to be invalid and simply ignore it, or do they believe it, but withhold their feelings because they dont want to be considered a homophobic?

as someone who likes to crack the occasional gay joke (like all american men, really), i would hate to be grouped into the likes of Mr H. but im not going to stop cracking them jokes just cause i worry.

there are jokes for every race, gender, religion, lifestyle, everything. no one is immune to getting clowned--but because minority groups blow things out of proportion, we as society deem it taboo to make jokes about them. a joke about a mexican or a gay joke is no more malicious than a joke about a fat guy or a person with a really bad hairstyle or a person who's really unorganized.

being PC for the sake of PC is the stupidest crap ever. you know you all think it. stop being pretentious.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
The odd thing is that back when homosexuality was illegal in HK, the _biggest_ scandals were always about British cops and their 'rent boys'! Maybe someone was venting self-hatred...
over 15 years ago
Photo 418861
ha! homophobia often seems a little ironic like that..
over 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I always have to wonder about rabid bigots. To hate the other (that undistinguished "other") you have to really hate yourself first. These people are a danger when they team up with other, like-minded bigots. I know that there are also Chinese who are prejudiced against gays (this is one of the main reasons that Chinese gays don't "come out", because their parents, friends, bosses and co-workers cannot accept them as gay). But Chinese culture, in the interest of social and family harmony, has a tendency to keep a lot unspoken. Unfortunately, with gweilo, it is just the opposite--they take great pride in letting it all hang out and loudly broadcasting every little thing that they think and feel. But don't kid yourself--the prejudice and gay-bashing is present in both groups. It is just expressed differently. I think a lot of people don't develop much understanding or tolerance for sexual difference until their life is deeply touched by someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual or transgender--like a sibling, an aunt, uncle, cousin or close friend. When you know someone first as your friend or family member, the fact that they also happen to have a different sexual orientation from most people is not their defining characteristic. They exist for you as themselves first, and this one aspect of them takes its place in a whole constellation of characteristics that makes them who they are.
over 15 years ago


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