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the book of basketball

This is Wall Street Journal's review of Bill Simmons' book, The Book of Basketball, which will hit stores in the US in about 6 hours. Simmons had a midnight book signing tonight in DC and they ran out of books because too many fans showed up. I'm reading via twitter over 500 fans showed up on a Tuesday midnight to meet a dude who started out blogging about sports.

Anyway, from the review, I know the book is 715 pages long of heavily opinionated "basketball snob" talk--but he backs it up with facts, numbers, analysis and common sense.

Malcom Gladwell calls it the longest book he's read since college.

Here's Bill Simmons appearing on BBCtalking about the globalization of the sport and how basketball has become the most popular sport worldwide. He has that "i cant believe im on BBC" look on his face. ha.

Okay this is just ridiculous. Four months ago Simmons wrote this columntelling star college player Blake Griffin, who had just been drafted by the LA Clippers, to flee because, in Simmons' words, "the Clippers are cursed and bad things will happen to you".

Just now, I read the news: Blake Griffin's NBA debut delayed indefinitely. Out at least six weeks with broken kneecap.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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