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In the immortal words of Tyler Durden (Hobbes):

"how much do you really know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?"

I think the same applies to friendships.

Recently, I've had spats, disputes, and (Johnny) drama with cats whom I had considered some of my closer friends.

Of course, during the time of the drama and spats, I was annoyed, and/or even angered. But now that it's all been talked over/worked out and things are good again, I think there's a newfound admiration for the friendship. It's like things can now be look at from a new perspective.

I mean, look at it this way--you only argue get upset over people you care about or matters, right?

My former boss (Xuan Mu) is a bastard, but I don't actually have any drama with him cause he means nothing to me. I just have blind dislike for him like I have for cold french fries, Vince Vaghn movies or house music.

I had a "friend" from LA visit for a month recently. I dunno how to describe our relationship--she's gotten on my nerves from day one but because I was close with her ex bf and her older brother we've always hung out (never alone, always in groups). She's never done anything bad to me so I can't justify any negative feelings towards her, but she just personifies everything I don't like in certain girls--I just dont agree with most things she says or her way of thinking.

So why did I let her stay at my place for a month? Well, I kinda didn't. She just invited herself. (and yeah the spat with my roommate happened because he was fed up with her)

Anyway back to the story--I have never argued with her even though most things she says has me rolling my eyes. Why? Because I don't care.

You only have drama with people you believe are worth stressing over.

I can say that the recent spat with my roommate have led me to respect him more--I had just started thinking he was ridiculously vanilla and blend lately...but now I know he gets annoyed by the same superficial girly shit that I do, suddenly I'm talking like Martin Lawrence circa 1995: "YOU GO BOY!"

"how much do you really know about yourself unless you've been in a fight?"

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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