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check out this interesting read from the NY times about NBA players going back to school.

It's good because it's a "feel good" story (multi millionaires spending the summer in class rooms) but it also tackles an issue that is often overlooked and misunderstood.

According to this piece, 60% of NBA players end up broke within five years of out of the league. SIXTY PERCENT. These guys make millions a year. Even the worst NBA players make close to a mil a year. Once you have a certain number of years in the league you're guaranteed to make at least a mil from the "veteran' minimum". These contracts are guaranteed. Barring the Boston stint, Stephon Marbury hasn't played basketball in over two years and he was paid 20 mil in 08 and 09.

Simmons wrote about this years ago (guy is always the first to think outside the box and write nontraditional sports stories. After asking around and witnessing some players' lifestyle himself, he comes to the conclusion that most young athletes just don't know how to manage their money. Too much, too soon is a cliche that applies to them. They spend lavishly. They support eveyrone--from immediately family and childhood friends to random ass fourth cousins, twice removed. They make poor business decisions and they buy stupid crap with no value like cars (blowing money on expensive cars is one of the dumbest hobbies. at least with property you can make back some money. spending on vacations you're gaining experience and seeing things. spending on drugs or golddiggers you're getting some form of relief. ha)

Now they going back to school. Like Turtle.

And you gotta chalk another up for David Stern, the greatest commissioner in all of professional sports. You see, everytime he makes a rule, people be crying this and that. He imposed a dress code to stop players from showing up to games in do-rags, ridiculously oversized clothing and Sean John crap. Minorities cry racism. They do their trademark move and pull the race card.

"He trying to end hip hop culture," they'd scream.

Nevermind the fact that for most employers all over the world wouldn't like you showing up to work looking like Snoop Dogg. Nevermind that by enforcing a collar shirt rule, the league looks professional and that in turns will attract global marketing--thus making everyone's wallet thicker....they think it's all a race thing.

Then David Stern put in an age limit a few years ago, stopping high school kids from jumping into the league. Again, people complain that it's not fair. They say that if an 18 year old is capable and willing to work, the league shouldn't stop them.

But the league ain't no democracy. this ain't no reality TV. it's a business. its a company. David Stern got tired of seeing idiot kids with no education jumping in and making a scene. For every Lebron and Kobe there's a Darius Miles and Leon Smith (who made millions and then threw it away on drugs and guns. I'll cut Darius Miles some slack cause he starred in a movie with Scarlett Johansson... meaning he's been close to her up close and in person, so he's kinda won already)

Stern is like Uncle Phil, laying down the law and enforcing the rules with an iron fist. And all these young kids just wanna be like Big Willy from Philly and rebel. Well what happened at the end of the season? Fresh Prince became a man. And he knew Uncle Phil was right.

"Can I come visit you sometimes in New York?" Will says.

"You're welcome anytime," answers Uncle Phil.

That's David Stern. You behave, you contribute to society, and you'll always be a part of the L. You act a fool and be stupid, he'll banish your ass to some third world country. Just like what David Stern will do that Yi JiLian guy soon if he doesn't shape up. Remember when China made all them demands about Yi playing for Milwaukee?

Stern looked communism in the eye and said tough shit. Yi then reported his ass to Milwaukee.

See brothas, it ain't no race thing. David Stern is equally hard on the mainlanders.

btw, another NY times article. this time on the 30 for 30 documentary


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