ben sin
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damn, so im writing my streetball in hk story for SCMP right now and for the first time ever, i have to write hoop in a way that can be read by casual readers or people who dont give a crap about basketball.

i mentioned Iverson in my piece and it's just weird to have to then explain who Iverson is.

usually, in forums or blogs, i just call him AI or Iverson. now it's "Allen Iverson, professional basketball player for the Memphis Grizzlies franchise".

then i wanna write stuff like dropping 17 points but instead i have to go "scored 17 points".


15 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 55225
"you can take the kid out of the streets but you can't take the street out of the kid"
15 年多 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Sometimes it is a good exercise to have to explain something with highly specialized language/terminology for the uninitiated. it gives you a chance to concentrate on the essentials and also focus on the bigger picture. The best pieces I ever wrote about flamenco were most definitely not for the initiated on forums, but were general info articles. One of them even got excerpted as program notes for a nationally touring Spanish company. Pretty good for a foreigner since the Spaniards generally believe that only they know about flamenco. I guess I was the exception to the rule.
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
January 25, 2008