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journo war

Tiger Wood's dirty laundry from his personal life has been made public recently. First he got into a car accident that may or may not have been caused by his angry wife. Then a Vegas cocktail waitress claims she's been having an affair with Tiger. Then she provides incriminating voicemail to US Weekly.

Ever since, most of the media has been blasting Tiger Woods.

That doesn't sit well with sports writer Jason Whitlock. Apparently, dude's the biggest Tiger fan around. He's been calling out journalists who wrote negative things about Tiger left and right on his twitter. First he took on Charles P. Pierce (great writer. a master with words, but a hypocritical high-horse ridin', i-love-saying-i-told-ya-so motherfucker), then he called out Sally Jenkins, then he referred to some ESPN radio host as assclown.

This is why twitter is great. it's letting people speak their minds without the PR middleman and censorship nonsense. Is Jason Whitlock right or wrong on this? I can't say. Perhaps calling other journos idiots and assclowns are a bit much, but he does have a point--the media is always so quick to sit on their high horse and point fingers and be hypocrites (check every male celebrity who condemned edison in 2008. schyeah right like they wouldn't have done the same if the opportunity was available to them. not saying edc was right, but those chicks willingly had those pics taken. both sides were responsible)

All I know is, Jason Whitlock is a passionate and outspoken journo who stands by what he believes in. I have respect for him because he famously called out that certain group of immature Black folks who stirred shit in Vegas during the 2007 All Star weekend and then hid behind the safe walls of their skin color (no White journo could write about how bad those people were without being accused of being a racist. Bill Simmons was one of the few who actually wrote about the raunchy scene that wekeend. Everyone else pretended like it didn't happen because if they wrote the truth they'd had to write that most of the troublemakers were Black.)

Whitlock, as a black man himself, knew that he had to speak up. He knew that those degenerates were giving Black people a bad name. This doesn't happen often. Whitlock could have easily took the Jesse Jackson route, but he did the right thing and spoke the truth.

Right now, he's a one man Tiger Woods-defending army, verbally ethering these journalists who are holding Tiger Woods to higher standards and morals than they would their own friends.


This is his twitter. He's been calling out journos for days. Charles P Pierce will respond and them two will be going at it. This doesn't happen without twitter.


okay, whitlock has posted this article now, where he layst he smack down even more


but of course, we were able to witness his wrath on twitter first

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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