As I sit here in the middle of a 24 hour shift (trying to finish the latest issue of Beats), one thing is keeping me from falling asleep and my head from exploding--
The Raconteur's new album, Consolers of the Lonely
Check out this video man
Jack White...guy is legit. He's one of the few contemporary artists today that can measure up to the greatness of the old folks. The man is a legend in the making, man.
Oh and while we're at it, here's something off topic--the MVP should go to either Kobe or Chris Paul. Whoever finishes with the #1 seed should be MVP, but I'm pretty sure Kobe is a lock already.
What an amazing NBA season, Bron is averaging 31, 8, 8 and he's not even a top two MVP candidate... GOOD LORD I LOVE THIS GAME!