Official Artist
ben sin
Magazine Editor
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gonna fly now

The third act felt a bit out of place (the filmmakers even admitted the movie started with the simple image of an old man lifting his house. Then they had to figure out a purpose for him to do so), but the first 30 minutes of Up is one of the most beautiful things I've witnessed this year.

Life, Love, and Loss--Carl Fredericksen takes on all three. He’s more of a hero than Optimus Prime, John Connor, or Captain Kirk combined.

Not gonna lie, teared up in the first 15 minutes. But hey, no shame in this… although I am eating steak right now for lunch to make me feel less effeminate.

BTW, the comments are starting to flow in and everyone agrees--the cover is butt ugly.

I would apologize, but really--I vetoed and vetoed but nobody listened. Next cover will be much better, promise.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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