Official Artist
Ben Qwek
Fine Art Printer , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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Art of Rebellion : 宁死不屈

Screens shots of the progress 宁死不屈 This is my submission for the Art of Rebellion, based on the Chinese idiom: 宁死不屈, death over submission. Its running edition of 10, giclee print on watercolor paper. 

The show will be on 14APRIL 2012 @ Geylang Lor24A, remember its 24A not 24. 24 brings you to the red light district if thats ur thing.

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Growing up in a cosmopolitan Singapore, influences are diverse and cultures converge. B grew up watching Sunday morning cartoons, Anime and spends most of his t

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September 27, 2008