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Beaver Kwei
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The next gen of mainland China directors

Recently I was at a small gathering talking shop about the now and future of mainland China movie scene. These directors' names popped up. We have been seeing exciting works from these directors and I am sure we will see more genre material tailored made for China's growing movie going audience from them.Ning Hao. He is taking China genre films boldly where no fellow director had gone before.Jin Yimeng. Representing an aspect of new China like no one else have done. Chen Daming. Daming can really tell a story and he's got quite a few exciting genre projects ahead.Dayyan Ng. Dayyan made the quintessential mainland China rom com a while back. He also has a few projects coming up.Johnathan Lim. Up and coming. Great with action. Did a good job with Sophie's Diary. Slam had great basketball action.All five of these directors understand three acts structure. All five believe in genre material. All five of them can write their own material and know how to work with writers. In terms of genre material, all five of them understand that the director's cut is not the final word. Audience's reaction is king. All five of them are in China and telling the new China stories.Hong Kong film makers still have their place in the overall scheme of things. But China is seeing the emergence of a new China culture and I think this new fellowship will be representing in a big way....soon...coming to a China megaplex near you.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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are they able to make a place for themselves in the market aside from the big names that have a strangle hold on the finances and screens in the theaters? (the Zhang Yimous, Chen Kaiges, etc?)
over 15 years ago


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May 14, 2007