Official Artist
Barbara Wong
Actor , Director , Screenwriter
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My birthday gift to u

Dear all, long time no write. Yeah, I've been busy writing scrīpts but not writing enough on my blog... well, this is one of my birthday resolutions this coming year -  to share more with u thro my blog. Also, I'd want to do more yoga, drink less, and of course make more great films... yeah, working hard on it! Oh yes, maybe quit smoking too! Hahaha...

As I've decided not to have any bday party or dinner, I'd like to celebrate w all my friends w a short film I made a couple months ago. It was made last August when my grandmother reached 90 years old, and my family decided to have a big family reunion in Vancouver to celebrate for her. My grandma was there, my mom was there, and so was me and my other 3 sisters (I'm the 2nd in my family). So there you go, I took the chance to make the short film  : 'Women's Private Parts - Family version!'. It's alot of fun and quite wild, enjoy!

But sorry if u don't understand cantonese, as I didn't have time to put subtitles in.

Also, this is the 1st time I try to attach video on blog myself, so hope it works!

Happy bday to all of u who were born in Oct! Have a great year !

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmtzDrD2DwU

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great! thanks for sharing it!
over 16 years ago
Photo 39462
Happy Birthday Barb, miss you!! x
over 16 years ago
13244619 10154160689249104 9129655007072933202 n
女的:“kenny,这个角度你很瘦哦~” 男的:“是咩?那拍多些~~!” 哈哈哈~又趣! 婆婆看起来很健康~ 家人聊得很放~ 幸福的家庭~ Jeytong桐
over 16 years ago
Photo 73139
生日快乐 =)
over 16 years ago
9bc4e6 f818454274f8468da1cc1fe7a6f516b3~mv2 d 1848 2768 s 2
Happy Birthday! Send U my best and sincere wishes!
over 16 years ago
Nice video! Enjoyed watching it!
over 16 years ago


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January 22, 2008