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Hun Yan Chen Taiji Seminars 2008

For the last two weeks, my good friend and Classmate Master Chen Xiang and the Grandmaster's daughter Madame Feng Xu Qian, have been in the San Francisco Bay Area teaching Hun Yan Taiji.  It is a rare opportunity to get to study with such great teachers of the style.  Master Chen specialty is application, you only have to have him show you an application to feel how powerful he is......his attack is like an ocean wave smashing into you.  He has great patience, and will often repeat forms or movements over and over again until you get it....or just chuckle a little when you don't and then continue.  He truly exemplifies the teachings of our teacher, Grandmaster Feng, he shares freely, has a good heart, and has a smile for everyone.  He began as a Chinese wrestler.practicing Shiao Chiao......later learned Baji, and some Shaolin.......switched to Taiji when he met our teacher.........he has continued to innovate and has added his own knowledge to the Hun Yan curriculum.  One of the techniques he is very well versed on is the Taiji Ruler.  It is one of the many training techniques used in Chen Taiji to develop your power and help you with application.  When I first learned this I was told not to show anyone this because it was a secret training method to get you ready for Qinna...joint locking applications.  The Chen Taiji Ruler has two types of techniques.....one is the Taoist ruler...these are Qigong movements that help you develop your internal connection and teaches you the proper way to move your Qi.  Then there is the Taji Bang........or Taiji Bat or wand hard to translate into English........but it's techniques help you to learn to use your body when applying the technique...helps you with applying the joint locks and also works out your own tendons and ligaments so you will be able to prevent others from applying the technique to you.  There are 10 basic ruler techniques and 3 types of  Taiji Bang twisting excercizes.....these have been put together to make up the 10 Hun Yan Taiji Ruler Form. He gave a basic class for the public, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.  In private, he and I worked on the more complicated techniques involving stepping and learning to spiral the entire body as one twists the ruler........looked easy until you try to follow him!!   Often during the workshop there were lots of bewilder looks as they tried to follow him twisting the ruler and rolling the body....but many of my students will swear by it..you can feel your own internal connection and the energy beginning  to move.  Ma Yi Liang one of China's great Taiji Teachers said it took him 10 years to find his Qi then another 30 to get it to move where he willed it.......so the fact that the ruler can help with this process is so important.  Grandmaster Feng has felt that this is too important a technique not to share with everyone....it can truly improve your health and your Taiji! 

The Taiji Ruler was developed by the monks of WuDang as a method of meditation and a way to do Qigong.  Top two are typical WuDang style Rulers.  the longer one was used for two person excercises, somewhat like pushing hands.  The bottom most ruler was created by Gandmaster Feng combining Ruler and Bang.....so both techniques could be practiced.

The Taiji Bang was developed by the Chen Villagers as a way to practice Qinna Techniques and also striking and power development.

The Master Bang..........make from an exotic hardwood..Tang Mu.........only found in China and very expensive....around  1500RMB...over $200 US dollars...used by the Master Teachers.

For those of you near me...don't miss out on an opportunity to learn this...it will really improve your Taiji!!  Ok, hope this answered some questions about what is Taiji Ruler......remember if your cup is full there is nothing new to learn.......there is always more to learn Taiji has no end....haha...for that matter no beginning either!!  AH, well enjoy your day!!  Thx for dropping by!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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