Official Artist
Backstage Live Restaurant
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Our first Open Mic Music Break

Dear all who came join us at our first Happy Hour "Open Mic Music Break" at Backstage last evening.  It was a really fun experience, stunning performances by the guests, there are just so many talented people in town.  Come join us next Friday.  Music Break is every Tues to Fri from 6-9pm.  Show highlight playbacks from Tues to Thurs, and Open Mic singing and jamming with our in-house keyboardist Loli every Friday. Drinks are only $30 each, and all snacks 50% off!!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Founded by a group of local HK musicians, Backstage is a brand new livehouse + restaurant located in the heart of Central, Hong Kong. Hosting a variety of live

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 23, 2008