RT @MatthewBevan: Pandas really should be extinct by now. Not due to humans but due to poorly managed evolution. Get your act together pand…
RT @cblatts: The Economist on Netflix: “The 125m households the company serves, twice as many as it had in 2014, watch Netflix for more tha…
@SpudBenBean He is gorgeous. My big boy is a Labradoodle. Cream in colour, but very similar looking. Your big boy… https://t.co/aXF0yQsyTg
@Telstra The technical Support team leader (or product expert), after the sales team rejecting my request, was able… https://t.co/YjsffAe3sE
@SpudBenBean Omg, Boy/girl? Labradoodle?
Le sigh….@telstra want me to PAY for a replacement for faulty cable modem (to be fair it’s out of warranty). Told… https://t.co/HVmzNzOapv
RT @ABC: Indianapolis church places statues of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in a cage topped with barbed wired to protest Trump administrati…
@ABC @hlandeia So powerful.
@Telstra I need my cable modem replaced. As in IT person, any dealing with @Telstra support is awful. But to the… https://t.co/aZJwoVMRM0
Dealing with @telstra support “live chat”, frankly is worse than terrible. I think I might rather push an Ice Pick through my eye.