@sortius obviously several of my mates aren't too bright ;)
@sortius actually, now that I think back many of my mates were so angry with both issues that they WANTED to make Abbott PM to purge them.
@sortius haha fair call. Im not arguing with you, just saying people were vocal about both in my circles. Different people I guess. ;)
@sortius thats not my recollection, BUT maybe its having to slit hatred for "Hilter" vs "Mussolini" - both bad, one far far worse!
@sortius so much so that I am worried that we're not see in the same level of outrage now!
@sortius I seem to remember nothing but tsunami of hatred for any change to the Internet (i.e. filtering etc) from Labor.
RT @MikeElgan: Microsoft has lost $1.7 billion on Surface. Is that a small price to pay? http://t.co/hufc5kW77l http://t.co/C9DDGkY6wG
RT @phbarratt: Important, well-informed read: Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive stance tarnishes Israel in the eyes of the world. http://t.co…
Woohoo just made @magnific's "Impressive Geeks" list! Do I win a prize?
@bradrath @misstashknits @rathhelen I don't get motion sickness, but my eye's do "strain" and get watery and a touch achy.