Still shocked at @mikecarlton01's resignation….wow, just wow. Is the Media trying to destroy itself or something?
RT @MikeCarlton01: Confirming I have quit the SMH, sad that a once great newspaper has buckled to the bullies. Thanks for your…
Now! where's my Ruby book…
@stephenkelly it's helping solve this difficult bug…to be sure!
@gcboi I'm trying to decide if the Libs are better or worse than the Chinese Communist Party…
I'd forgotten how amazing Midnight Oil's music is…its as relevant today as it was back then…pity it couldn't translate into Labor policy.
Does anyone know if China retains data on their side of the Great Firewall?
RT @joshgnosis: Abbott says the government wants web browsing history for data retention. (from 2:48) (HT @bkjabour)
@sortius but i agree 100% with you, that people need to be more vocal!
@sortius needless to say I set them straight by informing them that the LNP never opposed filtering/retention in itself only Labors solution