Official Artist
Anton Wong
Producer , Composer , Music Producer
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Green Plastic Kisses 绿色塑胶亲嘴

I can only assume that, since you're reading my blog, you give a rat's ass about music.  If that is the case, you've gotta check out Guthrie Govan.  Here's a couple of links:

You know how some great musicians inspire you to practise more and to learn more and, hopefully, one day you can play more like them?  Mr Govan is NOT one of those.  Technical brilliance aside, his mental ability to process so much, so fast, and with such deadpan accuracy, and then deliver music so tastefully done that everytime I listen to him I feel I have little choice but to put down my own guitar and cry foul.  I call this my Antonio Salieri syndrome.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Photo 65334
i do agree on that... most of the talents i admire make me wonder why on earth i do what i do... but then i have a couple of beers and try to forget about it... =) Cla
over 16 years ago
Photo 40915
Right on. It IS time for a beer and some forgetting... :)
over 16 years ago
Photo 40915
tom hanks in castaway
over 16 years ago
Photo 40915
guthrie? he's cool
over 16 years ago
Photo 55108
this guthrie govan guy is one talented dude ... thanks for sharing ...
over 16 years ago



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October 14, 2007