Official Artist
Anthony Leung
Composer , Music Producer , Sound Engineer
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Here we go, first blog

Right, so this is my first entry. I just filled out the About Me bit in my profile. I always find it slightly odd, as I'm never sure how much detail to go into. Do I talk about moving to Hong Kong, going to school, my influences, what I like to eat, my favourite colour, my favourite time of the day etc. etc. I aimed to 'average' detail, whatever that is haha.

So I'm in Hong Kong at the moment, visiting my parents who still live here. I was pretty much just nosing around people's facebooks the other day when I saw a link to an alive not dead page and clicked on it. I lost about 3 hours that day clicking about on profiles.

I actually first heard early this year, when I was chatting to this dude who used to run a bootleg music dvd shop in Sino. I wanted to drop by again but alas it seems the shop is no more.

Anyway I've been talking to some of friends lately about the underground music scene in Hong Kong and how there are loads of amazing musicians out there who seem to be really under appreciated. I also watched this ace RTHK documentary (on youtube) about underground bands in HK- it was really quite inspiring to see the conviction these guys and girls had- their resolve to keep going with the odds stacked against them, and the love they had for doing what they do. Hong Kong underground musicians 加油!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
July 20, 2009