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V Mag and Kenta Goto

Here is the latest V Magazine showcasing our Know1edge SS2009 tee’s which are some of the best graphics that Know1edge has come out with,

designed by our good friend, the talented talented Mr. Kenta Goto of BRKNHOME.

He happens to be one of the funniest guys we know. We had to ask him some of his Top 5’s to give you an insight on how funny he is.





Who are you?

Kenta The Wizard


Since you’re a foody, what are your top 5 places to eat in Vancouver?

  1. Ajisai (sushi)

  2. Tenhachi (Japanese)

  3. Rangoli (Indian)

  4. East is East (Organic Afghan)

  5. Coco et Olive (French Cafe)

Top 5 reasons Jack, your dog, actually thinks he’s a human being?

  1. he sleeps in our bed

  2. likes people over other dogs (especially cute girls)

  3. he tries to talk

  4. tries to sit shotgun

  5. loves to chew gum


Top 5 tee-shirt graphics of all time

  1. Wayne Levin photo T series by Reigning Champ

  2. Daniel Johnston’s “Hi, How Are You”

  3. the Tuxedo Shirt

  4. the Bikini Shirt

  5. the Muscle Shirt

Top 5 reasons Canada is actually dope!

  1. Land of the Free

  2. really is Super Natural

  3. Multiculturalism

  4. Canadian humor (actually spelt humour in Canada) proof: John Candy

  5. most land per person


Top 5 misconceptions about Canadians

  1. we do not all love hockey

  2. we do not live in igloos (though i wish i did)

  3. we do not all say EH!

  4. we do not say ABOOT.

  5. we have TWO official languages. (English & French)

Top 5 reasons why MC Rice Cube is no longer around?

  1. people weren’t into listening to him rap about sushi, bento and fried rice.

  2. had a falling out with his DJ (DJ Chicken Scratch)

  3. only sold 6 copies of the album “Get Some DIm Sum”

  4. couldn’t find funding for his 2nd album “Wha-Sup-B?!”

  5. he sucks

Top 5 things that drive you crazy

  1. other people’s music in my space

  2. full time facebookers

  3. people in this day in age that still litter

  4. people who can only do what they were taught

  5. all you can eat sushi

Top 5 man crushes

  1. Sir Eats Alot

  2. Dwight Shrute

  3. Ralph Lauren

  4. Billy Idol in the Wedding Singer

  5. Super Mario


Top 5 reasons why skateboarding is better than snowboarding

  1. degree of difficulty keeps the kooks away

  2. the flip of the board

  3. don’t have to be spoiled & rich to be good. let alone take part

  4. don’t have to put on 3 layers and a clown suit to keep warm

  5. Tom Penny

Top 5 things you miss about NYC

  1. museums

  2. pizza

  3. the fierceness in the way girls walk

  4. city/borough pride

  5. the people & their stories. http://nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/1-in-8-million/index.html?hp&hp

Top 5 favorite “The Office” moments

  1. Dwight’s office supplies in Jello

  2. Kevin’s Office Cooking show

  3. Michael makes a face print in the cement outside the Scranton Branch

  4. Go T!

  5. Michael thought Jan’s baby was named Assturd. ( I can’t stop laughing Kenta!!!!!)

Top 5 silly things people say when you tell them you’re Japanese

  1. “how did you get so tall?”

  2. “what’s the other half?”

  3. “explain to me what’s with Japanese porn?”

  4. “how come your english is so good?”

  5. “oh i love sushi!”

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haha ... cute !
大约 15 年 ago
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大约 15 年 ago



english, korean, french
Hong Kong
October 3, 2007